Friday, January 4, 2013

Supremely Qualified

A few months ago I was asked, "What are you supremely qualified to teach?" The question is still lingering in my mind, and I still don't have an answer. I know what I'm good at, but I wouldn't say I'm so good that I'm "supremely qualified to teach" it.

Malcolm Gladwell equated "mastery" with devoting a certain amount of focused hours to a task. Looking back, I'm wondering what is it that I could have said that I have done consistently for the past 10 years?


Shawshank Redemption is my favorite movie. Pressure and time. A little bit each night. After that movie I asked myself, "what is it that I could do 'a little bit each night' that will allow me to escape my own personal prison?"

I used to put "X" marks on my calendars after each day, but after a month was completed, what did I have? A whole month of "X's!" Why was I even alive that day if all I did was replace it with an "X?" 10 years ago I decided to replace an "X" with words and I now have a decade of life experiences, conserved through words, on 10 monthly calendars.

At this point, the only thing I can think of that I am supremely qualified to teach are my life experiences, the things that have happened to me, and the things I have made happen.

I would like to one day be supremely qualified to teach about pastorpreneurship: leadership through pastoring and business development. I think that "one day" is coming very very fast.

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