Sunday, December 20, 2015

'05 til Infinity

      In 2005 I met my pastors Benjamin and Sunhee Robinson at a boba place in El Cerrito. My life has never been the same since. My thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and discernment always get quenched whenever I hear their voices. I have adopted them as my spiritual parents and I hold myself accountable to them in representing Jesus Christ to the world. I respect them as leaders, as ministers, and as two people who love and care for me in all aspects of my life.

When I made the decision to go back to school, P.Sunhee smiled and beamed with pride. “I am at peace with this, and I am excited. This is God.” P.Benjamin also told me recently, “Sunhee and I are personally invested in seeing you graduate, get married, start your career, and enter into your destiny.”

Ten years have come and gone, and I have more love, more support, more accountability than ever before. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life laughing, crying, living and growing with such dedicated, selfless servants of the Most High God.    

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